Local Government Program News

2022 News
Local Government Program (LGP) Expands to Western's New Downtown Site
The Local Government Program (LGP) was recently featured in a Western News article announcing a new downtown hub located at 450 Talbot Street in London, Ontario.
The article highlights the 13 new projects that have been selected to drive experiential learning and partnerships between Western and the greater London community. This new site will allow the Local Government Program to offer alternative-format courses, further contributing to its long-standing reputation as a "rigorous professional program with a national reputation and community orientation."
To read the full article by Western News, please visit: Western's downtown site to bolster community connections.
Professor Emeritus Andrew Sancton Publishes Article On Infrastructure Finance
Professor Emeritus Andrew Sancton has published a new article, “Reassessing the Case for Development Charges in Canadian Municipalities,” in the journal Canadian Planning and Policy. In it he challenges dominant thinking about how new urban infrastructure should be financed, that “growth should pay for growth.” Instead, drawing on the experience of other jurisdictions, he argues that the costs of growth-related infrastructure and facilities should mostly be funded by taxpayers, who collectively benefit from urban agglomeration. As development charges constitute a substantial portion of the cost of new housing in Ontario, this would likely improve housing affordability. The article is based on a research report by Sancton published by Western’s Centre for Urban Policy and Local Governance in 2021.
2022 MPA Grad Wei Jiang - Silver Medalist, Thought Leadership Awards
Wei Jiang (MPA '22) was selected as the Local Government Program's recipient of the National Student and Thought Leadership Award, a joint initiative of CAPPA & IPAC. She was invited to present her research in an e-poster competition and she was awarded the silver medal. Congratulations Wei!
Professor Joe Lyons and Zac Spicer (PhD '13) - New Article Publication
Professor Joe Lyons and Zac Spicer (PhD '13) have recently published a new article entitled “Small Town, Short Work Week: Evaluating the Effects of a Compressed Work Week Pilot in Zorra, Ontario, Canada” in the journal State and Local Government Review. The paper is open access and can be downloaded for free here. Congratulations!
MPA Alumni Paul Wilton – 2022 Bertram Scholar
Paul Wilton, MPA Alumni and current Higher Education PhD student at the University of Toronto has been awarded a 2022 Bertram Scholarship from the Canadian Foundation for Governance Research (CFGR). http://www.cfgr.ca/bertram-scholars/2022scholars.php. Congratulations Paul and we wish you good luck in your PhD research!
Political Science Alumnus Enters Mayoral Race
Local Government Program (LGP) Recruitment and Development Officer, Deputy Mayor, and Political Science Alumnus, Josh Morgan, is running for London Mayor Fall 2022. To read the full story, please visit Global News.
Local Government Program (LGP) Expands to Western's Downtown Site
The Local Government Program (LGP) was recently featured in a Western News article announcing a new downtown hub located at 450 Talbot Street in London, Ontario.
Joe Lyons and Zachary Spicer - Western News Article and Research Study
Workers welcome shortened work week, Joe Lyons and Zachary Spicers research study finds. In this pilot project, staff were on the job for 10-hour days, four days a week, which also meant municipal offices were open longer hours, at no extra cost to taxpayers.
2021 News
Joe Lyons and Zachary Spicer - Western News Article and Research Study
Workers welcome shortened work week, Joe Lyons and Zachary Spicers research study finds. In this pilot project, staff were on the job for 10-hour days, four days a week, which also meant municipal offices were open longer hours, at no extra cost to taxpayers.
MPA Grad Rachel Nauta featured in London Free Press
Rachel Nauta, who completed her MPA this summer, was quoted and had her research profiled in a recent London Free Press article about municipal politicians running federally and provincially. Congratulations, Rachel! Check out the article here: https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/moving-on-up-for-many-ambitious-politicos-in-london-and-beyond-local-councils-a-launch-pad-to-bigger-things.
2021 MPA Grad Michael Longeway – Silver Medalist at National Student Competition
Recent MPA Grad and Western’s 2021 CAPPA/IPAC National Student Award recipient, Michael Longeway, was awarded Silver for his presentation on his major research paper as part of IPAC’s Annual Conference. This competition included graduate students from public administration programs across the country and was judged by a panel of academics with public service experience. Congratulations, Michael!
MPA Grad Elmond Bandauko - Vanier Scholar
Elmond Banduako, who completed his MPA in the Local Government Program in 2018 and is currently a PhD student in the Department of Geography and Environment, is a recipient of a 2021-2022 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. Elmond is one of only five Western PhD students to win this prestigious award this year. More info about Elmond and the award can be found here: https://news.westernu.ca/2021/07/western-names-2021-22-vanier-scholars/. Congratulations Elmond and good luck with your PhD research!
Professors Irwin and Lyons – New Grant
Dr. Bill Irwin is the principal investigator and Dr. Joe Lyons is a collaborator on a recently awarded SSHRC Partnership Develop Grant. In collaboration with colleagues from Université Laval, École nationale d'administration publique, and partner agencies in London, Ontario and Laval, Quebec, the project explores the intangible benefits associated with collaborative municipal-not-for-profit service delivery.
MPA Grad Aren Plante - New Publication
Aren Plante, who completed his Master of Public Administration at Western University last year, recently published a magazine article based on the major research paper he wrote under the supervision of Professor Christopher Alcantara. Congratulations Aren! Check out his magazine article HERE.
New Partnership with Schulich Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program
Western’s Local Government Program (LGP) has teamed with Schulich Medicine & Dentistry's MD+ Program to offer our Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (GDPA) concurrently with the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program. Interested individuals can get further details here.
2020 News Archives
2019 News Archives
LGP Faculty Launches New Centre for Urban Policy and Local Governance
On November 23, 2018, Western's Centre for Urban Policy and Local Governance hosted its first official event: a public roundtable on The intentional City: Shaping London’s Urban Future.This was an important moment for the new Centre, signalling its goal of productively engaging scholars across disciplinary boundaries and building new relationhips between Western researchers and practitioners working in local government, nongovernmental organizations, and the community.
London is at a crossroad. Neither a core global city nor a place left behind, it occupies the open middle ground of Ontario's and Canada's urban future. What kind of future do we want for London, and how do we get there? Who should lead and who needs to be at the table? What can London learn from other mid-size cities? Fundamentally, can London be an intentional city— one that knows what it is, knows what it wants to become, has assembled the resources, including community and integovernmental support, to get there?
Moderated by the Centre's associate director, Prof. Martin Horak, the roundtable brought together civic leaders and academics for an open public discussion of these questions. FIve panellists participated: Pierre Filion, Profressor in the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo and an expert in mid-sized cities; Arielle Kayabaga, Councillor-Elect for City of London's downtown Ward 13; Michelle Baldwin, Executive Director of London's Pillar Nonprofit Network and Cofounder of innovation Works; John Fleming, Managing Director of Planning and City Planner for the City of London; and Neil Bradford, Professor and Chair of the Department of political Science at Huron University College.
The director of the centre is LGP instructor and Political Science faculty member Zack Taylor.
For more information, visit http://nest.uwo.ca/urbancentre/
2019 Alumni Conference Announced
Western's Local Government Program Alumni Society is pleased to announce that registration is open for their 27th Annual Conference being held on November 8, 2019. This year's theme is Caution! Change Ahead: Constructing Resilient Communities with Keynote Speaker Jeff Fielding, Chief of Staff, City of Toronto.
This year’s theme is all about what makes a resilient community, and how to adapt and lead in the fast paced, ever-changing world of local government. This year’s conference aims to provide municipal administrators the opportunity to network, develop strategies for dealing with current and future shocks, and to hear how others have thrived in the face of these challenges – and how you can too!
Other sessions will explore the topic of municipal resilience from different perspectives, including hearing from other experienced Chief Administrator Officers and experts on municipal-provincial relations.
Don’t forget to join us the evening before the Conference - November 7, 2019 - for the Cocktails and Conversation to mix up your contact list!
For more details visit our Alumni Conference page.
2018 News Archives
Spirit of Western Award
The Local Government Program Alumni Society was Awarded to the Spirit of Western Award at the Alumni Association Annual General Meeting.
2018 Alumni Conference Announced
Western's Local Government Program Alumni Society is pleased to announce their 2016 Annual Conference being held November 16, 2018. This year's theme is Local Government Interrupted with Keynote Speaker Jesse Wente.
For more details visit our Alumni Conference page.
2017 News Archives
Local Government Program Partners with Sarnia, Ontario
This term, Local Government Management Course students will be supporting the City of Sarnia with policy research and analysis under the supervision of Zac Spicer.
Local Government Seminar Series November
The next edition of the Local Governance Seminar Series will feature Professor Bill Irwin of Western University.
“School Closures in Ontario: A Case of Conflicting Values”
Join us in person:
When: Wednesday, November 22, 12:00 – 1:00pm
Where: Social Science Centre 5220
In Memoriam – Professor Emeritus Bob Young
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing away of Dr. Bob Young. Bob was a gifted teacher and scholar, and a mentor and dear friend to many. While his impressive body of work will shape our discipline for decades to come, it was his commitment to strengthening our department and his willingness to help his colleagues develop as full members of the academy that will be remembered most. Bob was a distinguished scholar, great mentor, and friend. We in Political Science wish to send our heartfelt condolences to Bob’s Wife, Louise Gadbois, and family, at this extremely sad time. Bob will be missed dearly.
Welcome Joe Lyons as Program Director
The Local Government Program is pleased to announce Professor Joe Lyons as the new Program Director as of July 2017. Joe has taught in the program since 2013 and has a strong appreciation for its unique and important role in training local government administrators.
We would like to thank Martin Horak for the last 7 years of service in this role.
Municipal Resource Guide to Leading Practices in Cost Savings
The Local Government Program is proud to announce the publication of the Municipal Resource Guide to Leading Practices in Cost Savings. This Guide, which features case studies from around Ontario, was developed by team of researchers headed by Andrew Sancton and Martin Horak, with support from the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
"Municipal Resource Guide to Leading Practices in Cost Savings"
Professor Taylor Appointed to Toronto City Hall Task Force
Professor Zack Taylor has been appointed to a Task Force on improving deliberation and decision making at Toronto City Hall. Launched by the University of Toronto's School of Public Policy and Governance, the task force will propose reforms that City Council can act on quickly, without any major legislative or regulatory changes, under powers afforded by the City of Toronto Act and other relevant statutes. A final report will be released in April, 2017. Other task force members include former Toronto city managers Joe Pennachetti and Shirley Hoy, and former councillors John Parker and David Soknacki.
2016 News Archives
Mayor Dan Mathieson joins the Local Government Program
Western's Local Government Program is pleased to announce that Dan Mathieson, the Mayor of Stratford, Ontario, has joined Western University's as the 2016 Distinguished Practitioner in Residence for its Local Government Program. Mayor Mathieson is the second Distinguished Practitioner in Residence following on a successful year by Former London, Ontario Mayor Joni Baechler in the role. Learn more about Mayor Mathieson [click here].
2016 Alumni Conference Announced
Western's Local Government Program Alumni Society is pleased to announce their 2016 Annual Conference being held October 28, 2016. This year’s theme is Street Level: Connecting Government to Community with keynote speaker Sam Tsemberis.
For more details visit our Alumni Conference page.
2015 News Archives
Former London, ON Mayor Joni Baechler Joins the Program
Western's Local Government Program is pleased to annouce that Joni Baechler, the former Mayor of the City of London, has joined Western University's as the first-ever Distinguished Practitioner in Residence for its Local Government Program.
2015 Alumni Conference Announced
Western's Local Government Program Alumni Society is pleased to announce their 2015 Annual Conference being held November 6, 2015. The theme is Back to the Future: Exploring What's Ahead for Local Government and a keynote speaker will be annouced soon. Stay tuned for details.
2014 News Archives
City of London Partnership Expands
The Local Government Program continues to be a premier provider of Public Administration education to local government officials. We are pleased to announce that the London DPA program has not only be renewed, but expanded to include two more students. This will again include two DPA/MPA courses taught on site at London City Hall.
The London DPA Program compliments our three already successful DPA programs on campus, at the City of Toronto, and with a consortium of GTA municipalities (Richmond Hill, York Region, Newmarket, and Duhram Region).
Alumni Conference Announced
Western's Local Government Program Alumni Society is pleased to announce their 2014 Annual Conference being held in November. The theme and keynote will be annouced soon. Stay tuned for details.
2013 News Archives
City of London Partnership Continues
The Local Government Program continues to be a premier provider of Public Administration education to local government officials. We are pleased to announce that the pilot project to provide a DPA for selected City of London employees has been renewed for another year. This will again include two DPA/MPA courses taught on site at London City Hall.
The London DPA Program compliments our three already successful DPA programs on campus, at the City of Toronto, and with a consortium of GTA municipalities (Richmond Hill, York Region, Newmarket, and Duhram Region).
Alumni Conference Announced
Western's Local Government Program Alumni Society is pleased to announce their 2013 Annual Conference being held on November 8th. This year’s theme is The Creative Spark - Public Service Innovation. The keynote speaker will be TTC Chair and Toronto City Councillor, Karen Stintz, BA’92, Dip’93. For more information, please see the Alumni Conference webpage.
2012 News Archives
Professor Andrew Sancton - Plenary Speaker
Photo: Professor Sancton is the sixth from the right in the back row.
Professor Sancton was a plenary speaker at the Third International Conference on Local Government in Khon Kaen, Thailand, November 15-16, 2012.
Drs. Bob Young and Martin Horak Co-edited a New Book
Drs. Bob Young and Martin Horak have co-edited a new book entitled: Sites of Governance: Multilevel Governance and Policy Making in Canada's Big Cities. (McGill-Queen's University Press, June 2012). Congratulations Bob and Martin! See More.
2011 News Archives
Teaching at Xiamen University in China
Drs. Bob Young and Andrew Sancton with students in front of the Xiamen's University of China June 2011. Drs. Bob Young and Andy Sancton taught courses on policy process and local government to part-time students in the MPA program at Xiamen University in China from May 30 to June 2, 2011. Their trip was funded by the Dr. David S. Chu Program in Public Administration, China.
New Book by Andy Sancton
Professor Andy Sancton has just published a new book, Canadian Local Government: An Urban Perspective (Oxford University Press, 2011). It has been praised as "excellent, written at just the right level in a highly readable style." Oxford University Press accurately describes the book as "the essential text on municipal government in Canada." Congratulations on this fine achievement, Andy!
2010 News Archives
Josh Morgan elected as Chair of the London Public Library
Posted December 17, 2010On December 16, 2010 Josh Morgan, the Recruitment and Development Officer for the Local Government Program, was elected Chair of the London Public Library Board for 2011. Josh was first appointed to the board in 2006 and was recently re-appointed by London City Council to a 4 year term. Aside from his involvement with the Library, Josh also serves as the Vice-President of the Western Fair Directors, where he chairs the Budget Committee for the annual fall fair.
Relevant Links:
Professor Nominated for Prestigious Prize
Posted September 23, 2010We are delighted to announce that Professor Martin Horak has been nominated for the prestigious SSHRC Aurora Prize for 2010. This $25,000 prize recognizes an outstanding new researcher who is building a reputation for exciting and original research in the social sciences or humanities. The winner will be announced later this year. Congratulations for your nomination, Martin.
Teaching in the David S.H. Chu Public Administration Program in China
Local Government Program instructors, Josh Morgan and Ursula Stelman along with their students take a break between classes at Xiamen University in China in June 2010. Instructors Ursula Stelman and Josh Morgan travelled to China to teach the final two courses for the first cohort of students in the David S.H. Chu Public Administration Program in China. Over the past two years, Local Government Program instructors have taught four courses to Chinese local government officials and students in Xiamen University’s MPA program. Stelman is a former Director of Community Services for the City of Winnipeg. Josh Morgan is the Recruitment and Development Officer for the Local Government Program at Western. All four classes were very popular with the Chinese students and discussions about a second round of classes are in progress. Teaching in China is just one component of a donor funded agreement that also includes collaborative research, faculty fellowships and international scholarships to attend Western’s MPA Program.
Canada Research Chair in Multilevel Governance
Posted July 13, 2010We are proud to report that Professor Bob Young’s Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Multilevel Governance has been renewed for another seven years. For more on Professor Young’s innovative and important research, see Canada Research Chair in Multilevel Governance and Canada Research Chairs.
2009 News Archives
Teaching Canadian Local Government in China
In this picture, Professor Tim Cobban is shown with "Alice" his expert sequential translator as he teaches a course about Canadian local government to local officials and students at Xiamen University in China. The course runs from May 18-22.
Dr. Andrew Sancton - Short-listed for the Donner Prize
Andy Sancton's book, The Limits of Boundaries: Why City-regions Cannot be Self-Governing, has been short-listed for the Donner Prize for the best book on Canadian public policy in 2008. The Donner Prize is awarded annually by the Donner Canadian Foundation.
Chu Family Creates Campus Home for International Students
Western officially opened the Dr. David S. H. Chu International Student Centre October 16, a new hub at the heart of campus that will bring students together from around the world to share ideas, culture and inspiration. [Read More]